Saturday, July 18, 2009

O.k... I have to tell you of my BIG-little problem... Last Sunday I was cleaning the house(I usually do it on Sat, but..). Our house is completely wood floors and linoleum so the dust bunnies are rampant. Every week I edge the entire house with the vacuum and about every other I edge inside of our windowsills. Well while in our bedroom pulling the blinds up I find 3 Ear Wigs, live. So, I call for Sean to squish them and continue vacuuming. Well I went back to the same window after he left with the dead Ear Wigs and edged that windowsill. 1,2,3,... started pouring out of the tiniest crack in the window! First of all anyone who know us Wiezbowski gals, they know we do not like the bugs. So now I am screaming because they are falling on the floor and climbing on the walls. Sean comes in to see what the problem is starts smushing. Well these bugs are amazingly flat. They do not always die with one stomp of the foot. So we kill all of the disgusting bugs that we can see and I continue cleaning, with Ear Wigs on my mind. I go to the kitchen next... As some of you may know we have a dog, and I clean her food, water dish, and little mat every week. So as I was washing it in the sink, one is crawling on my hand!!! Now the real Jill comes out. I scream as loud as I possibly can and throw the dish down. Sean comes running in and says, "stop doing that I keep thinking you hurt yourself or something". Well he kills the Ear Wig, and I break out in tears... Sean looks at me in disbelief, "is she really crying over a bug?" He sits me down and gets out some bug killer and goes out all around the house spraying(Such a good guy). Well since he has sprayed we are still finding them because they are trying to get away from the poison. We have found them on the toilet paper, paper towels, walls, dead in the lint thingy in the dryer(ew), and towels. They are getting less and less every day but I am at my wits end! I HATE BUGS
F.Y.I Ear Wigs do not go into your ears. They eat plant leaves and like moist places.
This might be a warning to everyone that Ear Wigs are taking over! he he

Monday, July 6, 2009

So... it has been a while since I have been on here. Our lives have been so busy, but FABULOUS! Everything is going great with the baby and I. Our Dr. every time we go in there says how much she loves having us as patients because we are having no issues and she sees no issues to come! Good good. We will find out the gender on the 20th of this month! Sean is so excited (I am pretty sure it is a boy, but just a guess).
Since I was on last, my parents were able to come up for the weekend before heading home from a week long vacation on Lake Powell! We had so much fun, I love it when they come up and visit! While they were here we went out to dinner to a new restaurant here and we got some onion rings.... ha ha ha, at least that is what i think they were. They were the biggest rings I, or any of us, had ever seen! We all started laughing when the server brought it out to us! My dad did the "long blink". Classic.
Also... I like to clean and I like to have things clean, but I DESPISE doing the dishes. We did not have a dish washer and Sean likes to use every dish we have when he cooks(which is most of the time, sad to say). I don't know why I dislike doing them so bad, but it just grosses me out. All of the soggy, discolored food. Yuck. So about 2 weeks ago Sean had to run a couple of errands with his dad and I went out with his mom, but when we got back he had a surprise... He had said he had gone to RC Wiley and immediately I thought it was a couch (if anyone has seen our lovely velvet, stork, quilted couch, you would totally understand). But he said it was white and I know that Sean would never get a while couch! So... what else could it be? A DISHWASHER! Oh my gosh, I was and am still super stoked! He is the best!
Also, our little big dog had her first menstrual cycle... oh it was so funny! here are a couple of pictures!
So for now, that is what is going on with the Browns.
See Ya